Mastering Emotional Intelligence Level 2

“Emotions can help you or they can hurt you. You have no say in the matter until you understand them at a deeper level and master the more difficult elements of being emotionally intelligent. We invite you to continue your journey now, because emotional understanding and mastery will become realities for you.“ – Dr Travis Bradberry and Jean Graves, Emotional Intelligence 2.0

pozTrain Your EQ Brain

You know emotional intelligence matters, and you’ve begun to practice.

Now you need to learn how to tackle the barriers to self-awareness, self- management, social awareness and managing relationships.


SELF-AWARENESS Achieve a deeper awareness of your emotions by leaning into the discomfort of those that get in your way. How well do you understand yourself under stress?
SELF-MANAGEMENT Knowing you should self-manage is easier than doing it well. Take control of the key driver of words and actions you later regret—— your self-talk.[
SOCIAL-AWARENES Mastering the art of social awareness comes from analyzing what the people and situations in your work life that matter most have to offer you.
RELATIONSHIP-MANAGEMENT When conflict ensues, the emotions that emerge before, during and after the conflict are what people fear most. Turns out, a whole host of EQ strategies can help you.


Anyone who gives ongoing attention to practicing their EQ skills will increase their self-knowledge and ability to handle stress, communicate effectively, make good decisions, manage conflict, be a team player, respond flexibly to change, influence others, and provide top-notch performance.

The program has one purpose…

                                                                   …to increase your EQ

TalentsSmart’s Discovering Emotional Intelligence will take you further toward handling yourself well when under pressure and dealing with others skillfully. Reap all the rewards that being an emotionally intelligent person will bring you.


  1. Dive into the four core EQ skills—— Self- Awareness, Self-Management, Social Awareness, and Relationship Management—— to take your EQ development further.
  2. Explore your reactions to a range of emotions and lean into their discomfort for deeper self- knowledge and stress management.
  3. Discuss real world examples and experiences, what works, what doesn’t and what to do next time..
  4. Analyze and reframe your negative self-talk patterns.
  5. Practice observing an EQ scenario at (your organization name here) or get EQ feedback from those you work with.
  6. Discover the role your emotions play in conflicts and the EQ strategies that will help you address future conflicts sooner and better.
  1. Comprehensive EQ scores, analysis and recommended strategies are based upon the participant’s unique score profile and are designed to bridge the learning-doing gap.
  2. EQ lessons include movies & TV clips with analysis to bring EQ to life.
  3. Goal setting, results sharing, and goal tracking system.
  4. A scheduled re-test and full change-score report with recommended strategies based on your new results.

Emotional Intelligence Training

Developing a new skill isn’t as easy as flipping a switch.

It takes awareness, understanding, practice, and a clear path for change. Since 1996, we’ve integrated these elements into our practical, skills-based emotional intelligence training programs. TalentSmart facilitators can deliver the following programs at your location: