Book Yourself Solid® 3 FREE Chapters

I know I said I’d give you three free chapters but I’m not going to do that. Instead, I’ll give you four. Why not, right? One from the, Updated and Expanded, Second Edition of Book Yourself Solid® and three from the BRAND NEW Book Yourself Solid® ILLUSTRATED, a completely visual version of the Book Yourself Solid® Marketing System. This book even comes with a mobile app that includes all of the exercises and worksheets

Chapter 11: The Book Yourself Solid® Direct Outreach Strategy
(so you can meet influential people you don’t yet know)

bys-illustrated-coverHere are three free chapters of the brand new Book Yourself Solid® ILLUSTRATED. The mobile app includes all of the exercises and worksheets.

Chapter 1: The Red Velvet Rope Policy
(work only with ideal clients)

Chapter 3: How to create a personal brand

Chapter 11: The Book Yourself Solid® Networking Strategy
(create a network of referral partners that get and keep you booked solid)
